Ross Intermediate is a Intermediate school in the city of Palmerston North in the Manawatu-Wanganui region of New Zealand, It is the first School In New Zealand to have its own television station and 1-1 laptop programme.
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In 2006 under the guidance of new Principal Wayne Codyre the schools houses were established as a way of creating competition among the school. This was useful because during sports and cultural events students had teams in which they could compete against.
At Ross there are 5 technologies: Visual Arts, Music, Woodwork, Cooking and Science, each studied for seven weeks.
In art you get to make a piece of art and then take it home at the end of it. In Science you do different things each week to do with science. In Woodwork you get to make something like a tray or a clock. In music you learn about all sorts of music and you get to learn to play different instruments. In cooking you get to make different foods each week and then eat them at the end.
The Laptop program began in 2010 and we had 2 1 to 1 programmes and it has progressed further in 2011 by having four more 1to1 classes. The Laptop classes are when every child in the class is focused on learning on a digital program. Each child has one MacBook to progress thorough there learning at Ross on. The Laptop classes still work on the same program as normal classes such as Reading, Writing, Maths etc. Ross Intermediate are the first school to have laptop classes up and running.
We have Snap TV episodes every Tuesday and Thursdays each class gets 4 episodes with 4 presenters 2 for the Tuesday shows and 2 for Thursdays shows. There are Tech crews Including 3 camera crew,1 Word player,1 story player,1 Sound controller and 1 Vision Switcher. Each Students take the roles of Each position and we have other position's like Turn back time and Feature story groups.
Snap FM, a radio station that is broadcast to the school, started in 2008. All classes spend time developing a range of Literacy skills through their SNAP FM unit. All classes and students experience this over their two years at Ross Intermediate. Students broadcast their shows at lunchtime and before school. All students get the opportunity to be a part of this programme. The radio channel is 88.8.
Ross Intermediate School Officially opened 14th Feb 1958 by the Hon. P. O. Skoglund
School Committee R.D. Williams - chairman T.H. Austin - secretary J.F. Collins R.W. Grundy H.I. Hart E.O.C. hyde F.McDonald(Mrs) A.H. Russell W. C. Wells